Wednesday 21 December 2011


- Stress Assignment: See the posting on this website (look back into the past months for the copy of instructions for all these assignments).
- Nutritional Analysis - See the posting on this website.
- Bullying Booklet - Requires you to have the booklet (I have additional paper copies) and to use the slides from this website.
- Nutrition Quiz - Requires you to have the paper copy of the quiz (which I have extras of) and to use the slides off this website.

Please submit all copies of assignments by this FRIDAY DEC 23rd at the latest!

Tchoukball and Floor Hockey All Stars!

Well folks, these are the last all stars to make it up on the board in our class!

In 9-3 I am proud to announce that Tchouk all star goes to Beth! With rock solid defense she definitely stole the show! Well done Beth! You continue to be a positive leader in our class every day!

The 9-3 Floor Hockey all star goes to Harrison! Team Brazil was fantastic. Harrison led his team with great skills and a positive attitude. Well done Harrison! Your improvements this year have been awesome!

In 9-4 the Tchouk all star goes to Andrew Scotland. This one is largely a based on the way he quickly picked up the game and the strategy and was able to lead his team with points. Andrew has also been hard working all year long! Well done!

In 9-4 the Floor Hockey all star goes to Taylor Myndio! Taylor, you are a fantastic leader. You are kind, friendly to all and a true example of what it means to be a team player. Your ability to work with all kinds of people and to display kindness is so amazing. Well done in this unit. Your smiles, skills and team spirit is appreciated in each unit! Great job!

Well folks, stay tuned for the big giveaways this week in P.E.! You are all, all stars in my heart!

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Pickleball/Table Tennis All Stars

Hey 9's

Sorry about the late update but I wanted to give out our all stars for the Pickleball/Table Tennis Unit!

In 9-3, I am proud to announce that Clinton McLaren is our champ! He was totally impressive with his racket skills, not to mention he is an awesome althete. I love the way he contributes to our class! Nice work Clinton.

In 9-4, I am proud to announce that Andrew Forester is our all star of the week. Not only did he single handedly take down the incredible Brett Leeb in the final but he has also been such a positive and hard working member of our class. Excellent work!

ALL OF YOU have been doing a fantastic job! I am so pleased with how our class is progressing.

Next 3 Unit: Human Sexuality and Substance Abuse!

Monday 21 November 2011

A Class Divided (1950's Class Experiment)

If you would like to see more about the video we watched in class called "A Class Divided" on discrimination please check out this link:

A Class Divided

Friday 18 November 2011


* 9-3's and 9-4's please ignore.

Questions for the Substance Abuse Unit:

1. How did substance abuse affect the person who was addicted and their families (mentally, physically, emotionally, lives, jobs, etc.) ?

2. What role would you take on if a loved one was addicted to a substance?

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Our Next Health Unit

Hey Gr. 9's,

As we enter this next unit with such an important topic I want you all to put on your highest level of maturity. Also, take this as an opportunity for growth and introspection (looking at yourself). I look forward to going through this material with you!


Wednesday 9 November 2011


Does this sound like you?

If yes, then pick up where you left off (this assignment is long overdue by now!!)

Send me in all your current days of analysis and then include from Thursday to Sunday (4 days).

*If you have it done on paper then it MUST be submited to be in person before 7:20 am on Monday morning, no exceptions!

What you need: 7 days worth of breakfast foods, lunch foods, dinner foods and snack foods recorded in ANY format (online, paper, blog, etc.) including the amount of each item and a calorie estimate (see the old blog post about this assingment for the website details for calorie calcluations)....

If you have any other questions about the assignment send me an email at

REMEMBER: report card grades are submitted Monday at 7 am.


Wednesday November, 11
Breakfast: Item, Amount, Calories
Apple, one, 70
Bread, two, 180
Peanut butter, 15 g, 200

Lunch: Item, Amount, Calories
Chicken Noodle Soup, 2 cups, 210
Garlic Toast, 2, 320

Dinner: Item, Amount, Calories
Lasagna, 2 cups, 520

Snack: Item, Amount, Calories
O-Henry, I bar, 200